Clock Display 时间显示 Headset Jack 可以用耳机 【IT168无绳电话】家中有一台无绳电话,人们就可以像用手机一样在客厅、卧室、厨房之间从容潇洒地通话,无绳电话由于没有电话线的...
In addition, the external hanging design makes our works plug-and-play to the mobile phone's headset jack.
E-mail is clunky to use, and there's no dedicated headset jack for listening to music or making wired calls.
From the shouts and sounds in his headset, Jack knew Blackburn and the rest of the tactical team had burst out of the side and rear doors of the crippled van and laid down suppressing fire.
杰克叫道,他打开自己一侧的车门,一个侧滚翻钻进枯黄的草丛里。 四周烟尘飞扬,杰克几乎看不见那辆黑色探路者,从耳机里传来的呼喊声和射击声中,他知道布莱克本和突击队的其他成员已经从侧门和后门冲出报废的维修车,并用火力压制了对方。